<aside> 📈 Use this formula to calculate your website’s conversion rate: Number of Conversions / Total Visitors * 100
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of using data and analytics to increase the number of conversions on a website. It involves testing different design elements, content and other factors to increase conversions from visitors into customers or leads. CRO helps businesses better understand their audience and optimize their websites to ultimately become more profitable.
CRO is an important part of digital marketing because it allows businesses to see which areas of their website are working and what needs to be improved. It also helps them make decisions about how much time and money should be invested in certain parts of their website, such as design or content. With the right strategies in place, businesses can increase their conversion rate significantly.
In the world of online business, every click and every user interaction matters. It's not just about driving traffic to your website but about converting that traffic into tangible results - whether it's sales, sign-ups or any other action that aligns with your business goals. That's where CRO comes into play.
Why should you invest in CRO? Here's why: